A standard test method to measure the performance of counter-drone solutions

11 February 2025 14h00-14h30

Daniela Doroftei (MECA) ir.

The increasing availability and accessibility of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) pose significant challenges for defence actors and law enforcement agencies tasked with managing the security of lower airspace. The need for robust and reliable counter-UAS solutions has grown substantially, as has the requirement for standardized methods to evaluate and benchmark their performance. This webinar will explore the outcomes of the COURAGEOUS project and the extended efforts of its successor, COURAGEOUS², both of which aim to enhance the common understanding of the capabilities and performance of counter-drone systems within the EU. The COURAGEOUS project laid the foundation by developing a standardized test methodology for the detection, tracking, and identification of drones. Designed around user-defined scenarios, the methodology enables qualitative and quantitative comparisons of counter-UAS systems, providing law enforcement agencies with essential tools to match solutions to their operational needs. Validation trials conducted in Belgium, Greece, and Spain ensured that the methodology addressed diverse use cases, such as airport security, critical infrastructure protection, and border security. Building on this groundwork, COURAGEOUS² extends these achievements by addressing the policy actions outlined by DG-HOME to mitigate drone-related threats. With a strengthened consortium including nine law enforcement agencies, academic and private-sector partners, the project emphasizes harmonized testing methodologies, community building, regulatory mapping, and responsible information sharing. COURAGEOUS² further incorporates the indexing of training modules and the creation of a digital platform to document drone-related incidents, contributing to a more integrated and informed approach to counter-UAS operations. This webinar will provide an overview of the methodologies, tools, and collaborative efforts developed under both projects. It will also outline the practical applications of these advancements, discuss insights gained from validation trials, and present ongoing efforts to foster a unified framework for counter-UAS systems across Europe.

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